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How much does it cost to hire a writer to do SEO?

Doing SEO requires a lot of content, and if you want to produce high-quality content, you need to recruit writers. The reason why many people I know are afraid to take the first step is that they dare not recruit writers, because in their impression, writing The price of the hands is not cheap.

But as someone who has recruited and trained countless writers, I want to tell you:

Recruiting writers is not expensive. If calculated at 2 cents per word, the price of a 2,000-word article is 40 US dollars. If calculated at 3 cents per word, the price of a 2,000-word article is 60 US dollars per month. Provide 12 manuscripts, equivalent to a monthly salary of 3,000 to 5,000 yuan .

In this article, I will discuss the following topics with you from the perspective of a person who has experienced it:

Is it worthwhile to find a handwritten essay?

Is it expensive? In terms of input-output ratio, it is not expensive at all. I will simply do the math for you.

If you plan to do SEO now, and you also plan to create content, then you must hire a translator who is an English major (at least passed the eighth grade) to write articles for you.

Such talents are actually compound, because to be able to write sufficiently professional articles, they must be “knowledgeable” and “knowledgeable in English”, so when recruiting people, they must send resumes in these two directions.

Professional English is also good. Don’t think about it… Such people are hard to come by. They are either engineers who have been working in the industry for several years, and they will not be short of money, or they are the top sellers of companies who know products very well, and they are not short of money. … So even if you play a score of 20,000 yuan, you may not be able to recruit suitable ones.

So you can only recruit at most one fresh graduate with good English. After recruiting, arrange company training to let him quickly gain industry knowledge. This is already the best result.

It is not cheap to recruit an English major graduate in Shenzhen. 6K-8K is the base. If you include a series of costs such as office costs and social insurance, a good writer should have a salary of 7K-9K.

Just calculate it according to the minimum standard of 7K.

Chinese people are not very fast at writing English articles. It is very fortunate to be able to write three high-quality copywritings of 2,000 words a week.

A month is calculated as 4 weeks, that is to say, this fresh graduate will help you write 12 articles of 2,000 words each month, and the total output will be 24,000 words.

If it is calculated at 2 cents per word, I can do the exact same work for only 480 US dollars, which is only 3,360 yuan in RMB.

Even if you hire a good writer and charge him 3 cents per word, it will only cost 5,000 yuan a month, and the recruited writer has many advantages:

  1. Come and go at any time, don’t have to think about how to fire him if he finishes his work one day;
  2. The language written by hand is more authentic, and there will be no “Chinglish” problem;

In my opinion, these are the two biggest advantages of recruiting writers, especially the first one. I directly gave up the idea of ​​setting up a studio in China.

Why do content?

For example, a site like thisThere are 200+ blog articles, these articles make the website get a very good ranking, and millions of PV (page view, page view) every month.

I also know this webmaster, most of the content is written by himself, and the monetization ability of this website is very good, 10 grands (conservative estimate) can be recorded in a month.

So the content directly determines the PV of the website, and the PV of the website determines the income of the website… If it is a foreign trade website, the PV determines your inquiry volume.

But as a Chinese, if you plan to create such a huge content by yourself, it is almost impossible to do it (not at all, if you have excellent English writing skills, then writing yourself is the best).

Therefore, in terms of SEO, people from English-speaking countries have natural advantages, so don’t envy them… We just need to use our advantages (willing to spend money) to make up for our shortcomings (poor English).

On which website can I recruit writers?

I recommend the following platforms.


click on this linkYou can go directly to the official website. This is my most commonly used outsourcing platform. I usually recruit content managers or website managers here. Upwork is also the platform I have used for the longest time.

This platform has many advantages. The biggest advantage is that it is so popular and used by many people, which makes it possible for you to post even the most unpopular tasks on it, and someone will respond quickly.

I once sent a task related to “DEVONTHINK” (a knowledge management software similar to Evernote). I didn’t have much hope when I sent it, but someone sent a resume after sending it out. At that time, I refreshed my understanding of upwork impression.

Therefore, no matter how unpopular your industry is, there will still be a lot of people submitting resumes after it is published. I have verified this point many times.

But this platform also has disadvantages. On the one hand, upwork slowly began to reject Chinese people (hey, the international impression of Chinese people is particularly bad, and almost every platform is boycotting Chinese people). If it detects that you are related to China, then you are in There is no way to post missions on the platform, or in other words, once a mission is posted, your account will be blocked directly.

On the other hand, this platform is also mixed (after all, there are so many people), many Indians or Pakistanis will pretend to be Americans to bid, or attract you with the lowest price, and then write shit-like articles.

How can we avoid stepping on the pit? This is another topic, I will write another article related to recruitment another day.


If the task is not demanding, my favorite is TextBroker, click this linkGo directly to the official website, post the task, and the platform will automatically match you with a writer.

If a writer writes well, you can raise the price a little bit, pull him into your project team, and send him directly any writing tasks in the future.

I spent a lot of money on this platform. The following is a screenshot of one of my accounts. I also recharge hundreds of dollars in the account all the year round, just in case.

The biggest advantages of this platform are:

  1. Don’t worry, just post the task and wait for the result quietly;
  2. Cheap, I basically outsource at a price of 2.7 cents per word;

But there are also disadvantages, for example, the quality of writers varies. There is no good way to solve this problem. You just have to keep trial and error with short articles and find someone who is cheap and writes with high quality.

Also, if you want to use this platform, you must have a passport, and you cannot register without a passport.

There are many other platforms that I will not introduce one by one, such as problogger, such as iwriter, etc., are good, the former is expensive, the latter is cheap, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

More Thoughts on Finding a Writer

In my opinion, if you can find a writer who is very suitable for your industry, your SEO will be more than half successful. nothing.

There are a large number of bloggers abroad, if you use SEO testing tools to check their websites, you will find that they have done a lot of work, and they can only get 10 points and 20 points out of 100 points.

But does this prevent them from ranking on the first page of Google or even the first place in Google? It doesn’t hinder at all, which explains a problem: as long as your content is good enough and every article is extremely helpful, Google will pour traffic to you.

So now the SEO circle is gradually divided into two factions, one is the technical faction, they focus on on-site optimization and external link building, and the other is the content faction, they focus on the quality and quantity of articles on the website.

I used to be a technical school. Before writing an article, I would fully research keywords, and then write an article on a keyword with insufficient competition. After writing the article, I would contact the webmaster of the corresponding website and ask them to give me an external link.

But now it has begun to change to the content school, and gradually downplays keyword research and external link building.

Whatever, whether you are technical or content, you need a writer, and the role of a writer in SEO work is too important.

Looking at it from this angle, you can see why so many SEO companies in China provide rubbish services… because they have almost no writers, and they don’t provide you with high-quality content in the industry.

The period of the service they signed is one year, as long as the data in this year (or in other words, the last two months) looks good, it is easy to do short-term SEO for one year, such as using PBN (private blog network) The means can make you jump up in the rankings.

Then? Then it’s like this:

This website is really a pity, I like this niche very much, but it’s a pity that I made a few PBNs soon.

You can see that in April and May of this year, the traffic was okay, and the monthly income was close to 1,000 dollars, but now… Hehehe, although this website is not big, it is also the reason that prompted me to transform into a content school.

The picture below is the traffic curve of a content-oriented friend of mine:

Although the bounce rate is a bit high, this is what a good website should look like (and this website is related to industry, and the traffic value is huge).

So if you want to do a good job in SEO, first recruit writers. Even if you don’t touch external links, don’t play gray hats, and don’t understand on-site SEO, it doesn’t matter at all. If you do content honestly, you will slowly dominate the niche , no matter how small the niche is, it still has the opportunity to achieve 100,000 PV or even 1 million PV.