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How to migrate a WordPress site?

Written at the top: Most of the newly purchased spaces will provide a one-time migration service, and their technical staff will help you migrate the website for free. Before viewing this tutorial, you can ask the customer service of the space to see if  it can be free Move your website, if you can, then don’t spend time reading this article.

The following text:

Many novices are afraid of migrating a WordPress website, because it sounds like a lot of trouble, but as someone who has to migrate a website by himself or help a friend migrate a website every few days, migrating a website is easier than going out to buy a cup of coffee.

Migrating a WordPress site is easy and requires only a few steps:

  1. Export the data package on the old website;
  2. Transfer the domain name to the new space;
  3. Install WordPress in the new space;
  4. Import the data package on the new website;
  5. Save permalinks and check sitewide.

The above steps are applicable to any WordPress space and website, even if your space is built with VPS, you can also use this method to complete the migration.

In this article, I will explain in detail the following outline:

Export data package with All-in-One plugin

The general process of buying and selling things on Taobao is that first, the seller packs the goods, then the seller sends the goods, and the buyer unpacks the express after receiving the goods, thus completing the entire transaction.

The same is true for the WordPress migration website, which is also the process of “packing→shipping→receiving→unpacking the express”, so the first step is to package all the content of the old website.

WordPress has a fool-like one-click shipping plugin called All-in-One WP Migration, you can find it in the WordPress “Plugin → Install Plugin” search:

Then on the left side of the WordPress background, there will be a menu called “All-in-One WP Migration”, we click “Export” in the menu:

In the next step, you will see that there are many ways to export, the most common is to choose “file”, so that we can download the data package to our own computer.

Note: If you have a lot of needs to migrate websites like me, you might as well buy an All-in-One Premium Edition, you can directly export the website to Google Cloud or Dropbox without downloading the file to your own computer, so the speed will be very fast and will not be affected by your own network speed.

The price is a little expensive, the first purchase is 99 US dollars, and the monthly renewal fee is 19 US dollars, but if the migration volume is large, this amount of money does not matter.

I usually use the Google Drive version, a 200MB website can be migrated in 5 minutes.

I still use the most common means to do this tutorial, we choose “file” to download the entire data package to the local:

After clicking, it will automatically read the data of the website and prepare for packaging. This step will take a few minutes:

After the plug-in packs all the files and databases of the website, the following prompt will appear. Click Download to download the data package to your computer:

Transfer domain name to new space

First create a new website on the new space, here we take Hostinger as an example.

After entering the background, click “Hosting” on the navigation, and then click “Add Website”:

Note that the way to create a new website in each space is different, you can Google “How to add a new website on xxx” for details.

After clicking, enter the old domain name and set a password (the password here is irrelevant):

Afterwards, to manage the website, just click Hosting in the navigation bar, and you can find “Manage” of the corresponding domain name:

Now we are equivalent to “greeting” with the new space, and the next step is to transfer the control of the domain name.

To transfer domain name control, just modify the DNS, first enter the place where we purchased the domain name, for example, my domain name is in NameSiloIf you bought it online, go to the background to modify the DNS:

The place to modify DNS is different for each platform. If you can’t find the place to modify it, you can search for “How to change DNS in xxx” on Google. For example, if I search for “How to change DNS in namesilo”, you can find a Lots of tutorials:

We need to change the DNS information of the domain name to the DNS specified by the new space. The DNS information of each space is different, or Google Dafa. You can search: where can I find my nameservers on xxx, here is Hostinger as an example:

For example, if I want to move my website to Hostinger , I only need to go to the management page of the domain name according to the above tutorial:

Select Details in the screenshot:

The NameServe that can find my domain name should be ns1.dns-parking.com and ns2.dns-parking.com.

Go back to the background of NameSilo, fill in these two addresses, and save it.

After the completion of this whole step, the next step is to wait 2-24 hours for the DNS information of the domain name to be updated globally.

Install WordPress in the new space

After the control of the domain name is successfully transferred, a new website can be established in the new space. How to verify whether the control of the domain name has been transferred successfully? available on this siteEnter the URL address to check:

Wait for the following addresses to become the addresses of the corresponding new space, and you’re done. Don’t worry about this step. It can take a few minutes or a whole day:

After it takes effect, you can find the corresponding place to install WordPress in the new space. How to install it? As usual, Google Dafa “How to install WordPress on xxx”, take Hostinger as an example:

According to its tutorial, we can find something called “auto installer” in the background, click WordPress in the picture:

After doing the following settings, you can click install. This step is not important, because our website will overwrite this information anyway, so it doesn’t matter if you set it casually:

After that, you can click the button in the screenshot below to enter the background of the new website (if you can’t click it, wait another half an hour):

So far, this step is over.

Import the data package on the new website

After opening the background of the website, click on “Plugin → Install Plugin” to install the All-in-One plugin we mentioned at the beginning:

Then click “Import”:

If your data package is less than 128MB, you can directly select “FILE” to import in this step. If you have a large data package like me, you need to install additional plugins in the screenshot:

click on this linkYou can directly download the corresponding plug-in. After downloading, pass “Plugin→Add New→Upload Plugin” in the background to upload and activate:

After activation, you can continue to upload, click “FILE” to select the previously exported data package:

Finally, wait quietly for the progress bar to reach 100%:

This interface will appear after the progress bar is full, select PROCEED on the right:

Continue to wait until the number in the screenshot becomes 100%:

After the completion, there is an interface like the following. When you see this page, you can close the website and log in to the background of the website from the space again:

Save permalink and check sitewide

Enter the background again, and you will find that the website has been migrated successfully, but you still need to save the fixed link, otherwise, only the homepage is normal, and other pages cannot be opened.

A little bit about the principle: This is because the All-in-One plug-in can help you migrate the files and database of the website, but there is a key file .htaccess that cannot be automatically generated, and this file is responsible for the URL rewrite of the entire website. And we save the permalink in the background, and we can regenerate the .htaccess to make the website work normally.

Go to Settings→Permalink in the WordPress background, and click “Save” at the bottom:

At this point, the website is completely migrated successfully! Finally, thoroughly check whether each page of the website is normal (generally normal, and there are very few problems), and our task is Over.